The Story

The Rifugio Torino was built in the early 1950s thanks to the CAI sections of Turin and Aosta, as well as a financial contribution from the Aosta Valley Region.
Since then, the Rifugio Torino has not undergone any significant work, until the summer of 2015.
Since 2011, the Refuge has been of fundamental importance for the realisation of the now famous Mont Blanc Skyway.
The Cordée workers stayed here for four long years, and with their commitment they completed a titanic work in record time.
The work was carried out under very harsh conditions: cold, wind, snow, thin air and gruelling shifts made life difficult for all those involved.
During this period, the staff of the Rifugio Torino were also very busy keeping up with the pace of the workers, trying to contribute as much as possible to making their stay at altitude as easy as possible.
The manager Armando and all the staff remember this not easy period with great pride: every opportunity is good to bring out some anecdote!
The Skyway was inaugurated in the presence of the Prime Minister in summer 2015.
At the same time, work began on modernising the Rifugio Torino, thanks to the efforts of the CAI Turin and Aosta sections.
Of fundamental importance was the first-person involvement of the manager Armando Chanoine and his family, who personally supervised the work and contributed to the rustic-style construction of the piano bar, reception and restaurant.
The work was carried out by Cordée, the same consortium of companies that built the Skyway.
by all the international clientele that frequents it.

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